+34 621 192 730

+34 621 192 729


Agency in Spain?

Join our Property Sharing Network.
Get access to thousands of Spanish properties and share your direct listings for commission splits.
Approx. 3000+ Properties and GROWING!

Membership Includes:
1. Upload your Direct Listings via XML Feed
2. Property Sharing with Commission Splits
3. Listings on our Property Portal
4. *Your Own Branded Micro Website with full property search*
5. *XML Feeds out for your own website*

Search the MLS property database to find properties for your clients.
You will have your own CRM system that will give you access to the listing agents' contact details.*
(find out availability, commission rates, and arrange viewings for your clients)
The CRM system will save all enquiries from your new microsite – use this info to update your clients' requirements and matching criteria.
Manually add clients that you receive via social media email etc.
Add your direct property listings manually or we can import your XML feed.
Share your direct properties with other MLS members so they can provide you with leads for your properties.
Your clients get their own 'matching property page' where they can see all properties that match their criteria.


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